About CMN

The College of the Muscogee Nation is the institution of higher education for the Muscogee (Creek) Nation emphasizing native culture, values, language and self-determination. The College provides a positive learning environment for tribal and non-tribal students as citizens of a tribal and global society supported by teaching excellence and offers exemplary academic programs that meet student, tribal, and societal needs. Through instructional quality and visionary leadership, the College of the Muscogee Nation encourages lifelong learners, for personal growth, professional development, and intellectual advancement.

The College of the Muscogee Nation tradition is founded in Muscogee language and culture passed to us by our elders. On our campus all are free to speak Native languages, share culture and participate in traditions. Vrakkueckv (Respect) is cultivated.

Muscogee ways are interwoven into the curriculum by honoring generations past while teaching and learning in the present to build our tribal nation for generations to come. Academic quality is very much a part of the College of the Muscogee Nation learning outcomes.

As an institution of higher education, the College of the Muscogee Nation is dedicated to helping students achieve their academic and career goals by providing a quality learning environment sensitive to our rich tribal culture, language and history. Students, community, and Muscogee (Creek) people are the true foundation for every class taught, every degree offered and every service provided at the college. Together, we build and maintain a tribal college that embraces excellence.

The College of the Muscogee Nation fosters the spirit of enthusiasm for learning, identity embedded in culture and appreciation for tradition that will serve our students well into the future benefiting the interests of the Muscogee Nation and enhancing greater participation within the tribal, local, and global communities.

The College of the Muscogee Nation is committed to core values inherited from our tribal elders and the following we hold true:

The following established goals consistent with the Mission, Vision Statement, and Core Values will guide the College of the Muscogee Nation in the present and into the future.

1. Offer academic degree programs that are unique and reflect Mvskoke culture, history and language.
2. Create educational opportunities that are accessible to the Native community and tribal members.
3. Provide co-curricular activities that respect tribal traditions and culture.
4. Develop quality educational programs that give students a scholastic foundation to pursue higher academic degrees or to achieve their career objectives.
5. Maintain a focused learning environment in a safe and secure campus.

At the College of the Muscogee Nation student learning involves the mastery of subject content, application of knowledge, utilization of resources, and problem solving in a Muscogee context. College faculty, staff, and administration work to support a positive environment for student achievement and development. The primary function for determining effective student learning is the assessment process that uses a variety of valid and reliable measures to monitor and improve courses, services, and programs.

All students participate in common academic experiences during their time at the College of the Muscogee Nation. These experiences are best defined as general education requirements. A program of it is believed, provides students broad and extensive experiences, which are both rich and important in preparation for living in a tribal and democratic society. Taken as a whole, they provide the opportunity for the development of individual talents and a satisfying education experience at the College of the Muscogee Nation.
Students complete general education requirements by the time they have completed course work for the associate degree.