Campus Security

Security Staff

Offices are located in the Student Center Building
Photo of Levi Payne

Levi Payne

Lead Security Officer

Photo of Katie Sanford

Katie Sanford

Security Shift Leader – 1st Shift

Photo of Steven Lowe

Steven Lowe

Security Shift Leader – 3rd Shift

Photo of Zackary Roberts

Zackary Roberts

Equipment Manager / Security Officer

Photo of Wesley Davis

Wesley Davis

Security Officer

The College of the Muscogee Nation (CMN), in compliance with Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Executive Order 11246 as amended, and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Higher Education Act), the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and other federal and tribal laws and regulations, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, genetic information, sex, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability, or status as veteran, in any of its policies, practices or procedures. This provision includes, but it not limited to admissions, employment, financial aid and educational services, activities, or services. For more information, refer to the Annual Campus Crime Awareness Security Report and Fire Safety Report located on the CMN website, or visit the Dean of Student Affairs.

Safety Measures

– Lock room doors when unoccupied.
– Do not leave purses, wallets, credit cards or identification cards (including campus ID and driver’s license) unattended.
– Record serial numbers, when available, and store them separately.
– Lock vehicles at all times, and remove valuable items.
– Report any unusual activity, suspicious individuals, or malfunctioning equipment to residence staff and/or security.
– In the event of a weather alert, act responsibly and take cover as needed.
– Observe all campus rules and regulations.

Lost and Found

If you have lost an item please contact call (918) 549-2840 and talk to one of our security staff members. Describe what the item looks like, where you last remember having it, and the day and time when you lost it.

Severe Weather Safety Tips

1. Remain calm during the event of a severe storm.
2. Do not go outside until the storm has passed.
3. Find shelter immediately, and stay away from windows
A. Admin Building safe places are the bathrooms on either sides of the building
B. Student Center safe places are the bathrooms on either sides of the building and the Storm Shelter located to the right of the SC 104
C. Turtle Lodge and Housing Units safe places are the center most room of the building
* Follow instructions from CMN staff and faculty calmly and quickly so we can get you and everyone else to a secure area
4. Once in a safe place get low to the ground and cover your head to protect from any debris.
5. Avoid using cellular devices unless injured or in need of assistance, unnecessary calls could prevent an injured individual from connecting to emergency personnel and receiving help.

Fire Safety Tips

1. If you hear a fire alarm remain calm.
2. Follow the CMN staff and faculty instructions and head to the nearest exit.
3. Once outside head to the designated areas:
A. Admin Building – located at the southeast of the AB parking lot near the dumpsters.
B. Student Center – located on the eastside of the pond in the SC parking lot by the solar umbrella benches.

Visitors and Vendors

Please go to the front desk in the Admin Building, on the eastside of campus, and speak with our Receptionist. She can then inform your respective party or send you to the specific individual for more assistance.

The safety of CMN Students, Faculty, and Staff is a top priority for CMN Campus Security officers. To ensure the safety of the campus community, CMN is equipped with eight full time CLEET certified officers who conduct vehicle and foot patrols, monitor a closed circuit security camera system, and practice crime prevention strategies. Other duties include writing incident reports, campus investigations, fire, medical, and weather related emergencies. Security Officers communicate and work with Muscogee Creek Nation Lighthorse Police for all criminal acts that occur on property owned or controlled by CMN.              

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