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Please insert the current date, Mvto!
1. Explain the incident (Explain what you saw)
2. Describe their appearance A. What were they wearing? (Clothing, hats, etc) B. What body type were they/Hair color/How tall/Any noticeable body features? (Give the best estimate you can)
3. Where did this happen?
4. When did this happen? (An exact date and time is recommend)
Additional Information (Anything else that you believe could help us with this report)
If you acquired an image, please upload a jpg, png, or gif of the event below. **Max 20 MB for file**
This report is made to be anonymous and you do not have to provide your name or personal information. If you do feel that you have more information to give or would like to be more involved with the outcome you can put in your information down below or get in contact with the CMN Security team with this information.
Name: Contact Info:
Office number - 918-549-2840 Office location - Student Center main lobby Security email -
Again you DO NOT have to put in your personal information, that part is optional, but please be specific in your details of the incident to help our security team.