Mvskoke Etvlwv Nakcokv Mvhakv Svhvlwecvt Enhomahtvlke

Photo of Linette Factor

Linette Factor

Director of Business Affairs College of the Muscogee Nation
2170 Raven Circle Okmulgee OK 74447 United States Work Phone: 918-549-2803 Curriculum Vitae

Biographical Info

Linette Factor is Muscogee (Creek) from the Broken Arrow Tribal Town and is Nokosvlke (Bear Clan). She graduated from OSU-Okmulgee with an Associate in Applied Science in Accounting, Bacone College with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, College of the Muscogee Nation with an Associates of Arts in Native American Studies, and Northeastern State University with a Master of Business Administration. She is currently enrolled at Grand Canyon University, where she is pursuing a Doctorate in Business Administration.
Linette has been employed with the College of the Muscogee Nation since July 2013. She served as an Accounting Specialist for eight years before being promoted to Accounting Manager, where she worked for nine months before being selected as Director of Business Affairs. Her professional experience began with the Muscogee (Creek) Nation a year after graduating high school. She has worked within the Muscogee (Creek) Nation’s Housing Division, Payroll Department, and Tax Commission, where she gained experience in tribal government.
Linette enjoys volunteering in the community and has served previously on the Okmulgee Indian Community’s Board of Directors as Treasurer and Secretary. She is currently a member of the Okmulgee Johnson O’Malley Parent Committee, where she has served as Member-At-Large and is currently Secretary. In addition, she is a member of Nuyaka Indian Baptist Church and helps her mother, Irene Washington, Women’s Leader, at Artussee Indian Baptist Church.
In addition to her duties as the Director of Business Affairs, Linette participates in the following committees: HEERF Emergency Assistance Committee, Accreditation Steering Committees for Reaffirmation Federal Compliance and Initial Accreditation Criterion Two, Graduation Committee, Fall Fest Committee, Institutional Outcome Subcommittee, and participated in the Leadership Class.
Linette and her husband, Brian, have one son. She has lived in Okmulgee since 1979 and enjoys spending time with her family and attending church.

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